Monday, February 4, 2013

Thurs, 31 Jan

Black Angus Bull and Tacos

this morning we all piled in pickups and drove about 20min away to the Experimental Gardens that are run by the Ministry of Agriculture.   they have grafted lemon trees onto another tree trunk to speed up the production time.   normally, it takes 5 years to get lemons ... these trees are only a year old ...  oh ...........  they call these lemons ... even though they look like limes.     i was used to this because i never saw a yellow lemon in Central America either.

we spent the morning clearing the weeds and grass from under and around the trees  ...

they also had some cattle there.    this is a Black Angus Bull, with a ring in it's nose.   it came from the USA as an embryo ...... at least that's what i understood ...   i walked up to the fence and this is the face i got ...

look at how short the Bull's front legs are ... it's neck/throat comes all the way down to his ankles !!!!

and this little calf was confused between his momma and pappa .... :)     i was waiting for the Bull to kick ... but he never did ....

this female was using the fence post to scratch an itch  ...

later he was just relaxing in the field ... he looked so peaceful....

and HUGE  ...

ok , ok,  ..... so i'm intrigued by animals and their behavior ....

after our work, the guys from the Ministry brought us Pepsi and crackers ... how nice !!!!!!!!!!!

in the afternoon, Pepe and a couple of the guys got to chase the rooster and finally caught it ... i guess it was best they did it and not Kate and i   ;)

then we worked in the garden again

Come Dine With Me was soft shell chicken tacos, complete with guacamole, sour cream, and salsa.   our dessert was a huge sugar rush of coco coco crispies, fruit loops, chocolate and sugar.   i could only eat half of mine ... now that's a surprise!

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