Saturday, February 9, 2013

Wed, 6 Feb

Poison Apple Tree, Stick Trees, and Hippo-Therapy

work seemed really tough today ... all sunshine and no clouds, probably attributed to some of it...

we have a endemic (i say that a lot, huh?) tomato bush right by the house, it's kind of sprawling and has the tiniest tomatoes on it.    i don't particularly like to just eat tomatoes, because of how they 'gush' in my mouth; but these little ones are SO SWEET and tiny ... i actually like them ...   see how small they are ...   i picked these to sprinkle on my pizza ...

i got up early and made my pizza dough for lunch.   i think everyone else made theirs the night before, but i don't like to 'fight the crowds'.   then we went out to another field and cut more Guava trees and the sprouts that have grown up from previous cuttings.   we were in a field with really thick tall grasses, so it was difficult to even walk, not to mention trying to pry the grasses away from the branches enough so you can get a good whack at them.    i really do like machete work, it's rewarding.

there are a few endemic Poison Apple trees, and this field used to be full of them.   but years ago, the farmers noticed that the grass wasn't growing under the trees, and they needed grass to feed their cattle, so the cut almost all of them down.    these bromiliads grow on this tree, and provide water for the birds, and there is one type of finch that is 'vegitarian' and comes here to eat.     it also is a tree that gives shade to the tortoises.

we are trying to eliminate all the Guava trees in this area, so we can plant more of the Poison Apple trees.   they really are 'poisionous' and their sap can cause serious burns if you get it on your skin.    as sensitive as my skin is, i was very careful around them.   

i entertained myself at break by taking photos of the bromeliads ,,,,

and all the tiny lichens and other plants that live in harmony with this tree ...

Geovanny also mentioned that we will be planting this area with the Poison Apple trees soon because it is forecasted that February will have an abundance of rain  !!!!!!!!!!!!    ...which would assure a better chance of survival ...  :(      ...i do hope they are wrong !!!!!!

Kate's boyfriend arrived today, so i made my own pizza ... i made a thinner crust and i liked it  :)  

after lunch the Hippo-Therapy kids were promised to come.    my group, however, dug 'post' holes, with half of a post-hole-digger, and 'planted' sticks that Geovanny said will grow into trees.    i really want him to send me a photo of these sticks sprouting! ....

as i've mentioned, the ground is Very Very hard, but a couple of the guys had the job of hauling water for us, and it really helped and eventually we finished .... mud-splattered from putting water in the hole and then driving the shovel into it   :)

a shower felt really good ...  

the Hippo Therapy kids did arrive this time!    ... most of them were put on the horse backwards ... ???    ... not sure why ...

then some shopping and internet ... again ...

before going to bed, i heard the sounds of 'fireworks' and saw some in the distance in town ...  it's Mardi Gras - Carnivale time here ... Lent must be coming up

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