Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fiesta Sunday & Working Monday - Mon, 4 Feb

i forgot to mention that on Sunday there was a 'festival' just up the road by the school.   i'm not sure what the occasion was .. but we went up to see what was going on when we got back from the beach.    i didn't last long ... the first thing i saw was a 'rodeo' with guys trying to ride this small horse ... of course i felt bad for the horse ...

so a few of us girls walked up to get some chicken that they were BBQ-ing.    they weren't very 'welcoming' to us ... the locals just kept coming right up and walking in front of us, like we were invisible .... we eventually got served after about a 20min wait.    then we walked past the corral on our way home ... they were chasing this poor little terrified calf/cow, he broke through the bamboo fence rails .... when they pulled is tail, i yelled 'stop it' ... no one paid attention, ...but we left after that.    i'm such an animal lover  :(

Ricky Martin  Helps Carry Grasses

so back to Monday morning, we walked out by the chicken coop and dug and planted grasses again.    these are the grasses that will grow so thick that they will prevent seeds from germinating.  one group went out to dig the grasses, and my group dug the holes to put them in.    i know i've said it before, ...but this soil is like iron!      but slowly we made progress and the other group showed up with the grasses.    they had some help this time ... Ricky Martin carried the grasses out for them ...   

isn't he sweet ?    ... and that's Pepe leading him ... he's sweet too ...

in the afternoon i had house cleaning duty ... and it was a hugs MESS from the weekend ... you don't really want cleaning duty on a Monday  :)    the group was only half here and it still was a mess,  hummmmm ... must be the messy group stayed  :)

back into town for internet work and a little shopping ...

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