Monday, February 25, 2013

Last Day in San Cristobal - Thurs, 21 Feb

Last Day in San Cristobal

got up early and headed for the dock, ... i wanted to see how the boarding of the ferry works ....   i'd heard they pack 25 people on the boat .... well, i saw at least 150 people ..... ok, they have SEVERAL boats making the journey, ... and yes, they do pack them in !!!!!

this is another common sight .... the Sea Lions just jump up right on the boats in the harbor .... unfortunately i never got to see this in action ....

stopped at the Travel Agency that Geovanny told me to go to because we get a $5 discount there .....  i got my ticket and i didn't get any discount  :(    ...

went to the little breakfast place for some eggs and toast this time ... but for some reason, i couldn't eat much of them .... (guess i'm getting anxious about tomorrow's journey and new start)    also had fresh banana/papaya juice ... for a grand total of $3 again    :)

worked on line, and around noon got ready to snorkel back at Lo Loberia again ... maybe i'll get to snorkel with some Sea Lions ..... that is supposed to be their 'beach' ....

got a taxi, and asked him to return at 3pm .... it's been partly cloudy and looked like it could rain all day ... the beach was the same, but it also meant i had the whole beach to myself ... well, actually shared it with the Sea Lions.

i got in the water and immediately saw a turtle .... and then a Sea Lion ...

and another one ...

they really weren't interested in playing, but they were curious ....

then along came DADDY .... gosh they are big ... i quickly moved further away to give him some space .... i wasn't really that close ... and then he came closer to me  ....   and that was it for the Sea Lions ...

since it was cloudy, there wasn't any sunshine to keep me warm and i got chilled  ... i kept running in and out of warm and cooler waters ...

i did get to see one of my favorite fishes ... the Hieroglypic HawkFish ... favorite because they have wonderful markings and becase the are a challenge .... oh by the way, those 2 white spots on their back's are distinguishing characteristics for this fish ....

a requisite school of Yellow Tailed Surgeon Fish ... the  Nemo 'Dory' of the Galapagos ...

this is what a Green Sea Urchin looks like when it dies ....   actually prettier than when it's alive, i think ...

and this Large Banded Blenny, 4-9" .... with a characteristic 
'dark ocellated spot' behind the eye .. looking like an eye ....

and my new find for today .... this small Moray Eel .... there are NINE species of Moray Eels in the Galapagos ! .... my guess is that this is either a Mosaic or Jeweled ....

they have to keep their mouths open to breathe, makes them look mean .... poor things are so ugly  !    ....

the Panamic Sargeant Majors, however, were colorful today ...

the baby seals were taking naps when i was in the water  ... but got in when i had to get out    :(

the taxi was about 15min late, but i was happy that he showed up   ... it's a really long walk ...

picked up my nice clean clothes, and heard someone yell, 'hey Donna' .... it was Will and Louise from Hacienda using the WiFi at Mockingbird.   i visited with them one last time and we wished each other Safe Travels.     Will wants to take that skinny little black puppy home with him ... i'll be anxious to see how that develops.   he's got another couple weeks in the Amazon before he heads back to Pennsylvania.    .....that would be one lucky little puppy!

got my last Flan .... and told her i was leaving in the morning ... i felt really bad because she sells tickets on the Ferry and wanted me to buy one from her   :(

worked on my blog until midnight ... then bed ... set alarm for 5:30  

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