Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thurs, 7 Feb

Orange Bananas and Carnivale

this morning we went back to the 'big' garden; and continued to remove the undergrowth from the Yucca and Banana trees .... this is what a Yucca tree looks like ...

and it's leaf ...

we were out of bananas, so Geovanny cut down another banana tree to get a bunch of bananas ... there are many different varieties of bananas ... this was was 'orange' in the middle ... and very sweet...

did you know that each banana tree stalk only bears fruit once, then it dies.   the roots, however, are still alive, so another stalk grows up.    the same as raspberries, the canes die after producing, but the roots continue to live, and send up new shoots for the next year.   so when you want bananas, you don't have to try to climb up the tree, just cut it down :)     which is nice because they can be very tall !

these are the large leaves that the Giant Tortoises eat .... and me with a silly look on my face  ?  ....

on the way back, i told Geovanny that i wanted to pick some black raspberries ... i picked a LOT .... i can't get over how HUGE they are .....

the afternoon some of the group went with Carlos and helped haul Guava branches after he cut them with the chainsaw .... Jess and i were assigned to watering the endemic 'starter' plants in the nursery ...

then into town and the internet.   around 7pm i found some of our group who were at the Mockingbird working on a Treasure Hunt for tomorrow.     we were going to get a taxi, but realized there was 'something' going on in the Park.... i think it was 'Carnival-Mardi Gras' festivities.    they had some dancing girls on the stage ....

and some 'floats' ....

and comedians doing skits which i didn't understand since they were in Spanish.    i was ready to go, but the group wanted to stay awhile, so i went to get something to eat, and ended up with french fries :(    ...

when i returned the 'fireworks' were beginning ...... first a guy holding this giant sparkler' ....

i know neither OSHA nor the EPA would have approved  :)     it was pretty scary .... this guy was in a contraption that looked like a cow ... and he walked in a circle spraying the crowd with fireworks !!!!!!!     everyone was screaming and running ...

then there was this 'tower' in the center of the park......

that was equipt with fireworks that started at the bottom and worked it's way to the top ... again, spraying fireworks into the crowd ....  

the finale was the Fireworks just above us, which rained down debris on everyone ... i won't be going back tomorrow night for more of the same   :(

when we got back ... the rest of the group was at the table ... it was after 10pm when i finally 'complained' and asked for some 'quiet' ...  i'm such an old lady  :(

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