Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fri, 8 Feb

A Lost Day ...

sometime in the very early morning i woke up, with that 'feeling' that i better get to the bathroom ... several hours later, i was still 'running' ...  by the morning there was no way i was going to participate in the morning activities ...   everyone took off up the hill to work.     Geovanny told me to make some tea with oregano and mint leaves ... which i did ... and had some soda crackers ... everything went through me  :(    ...and i was very weak ...

when they got back, the girls held their Treasure Hunt ... i got up and watched, but didn't participate.    they had 16 clues, the girls that organized it, did a fantastic job, ... they all looked like they were having fun ...

here is a picture of the organizers who had to put duct-tape on their mouths so they wouldn't give away too many clues / hints  :) ...

i will miss them when they leave Sunday morning ... the Hacienda will be a lot quieter ... but not as 'happy' either  ...

when they all left for their afternoon activities, i laid down again and had the
'chills'   ... i could not get warm, i had 3 blankets on me and still was shaking .... i knew i had a fever, so took a Motrin ... and feel asleep for an hour or so....

i got up and felt a little better, but still had no energy ... most everyone took taxis into town, but i stayed behind and visited with Geovanny awhile.    we talked a bit about why we had so many people here ... he said there were only supposed to be the 'group', plus myself and one other girl.    another agency just sent him the rest of the people.     he agreed it was too many, but what could he do ?

i was thinking i was finished here on Sat ... but he said i was done on Wed .... i asked him if i could stay a few days longer, and he said i could .... the big group leaves Sunday morning, and there will only be 8 of us after that.    i wouldn't mind staying around for a few extra days .... since i still do not have a 'plan' for when i leave  :(

most of the group returned, to 'clean up' and then return to town again to spend their last Fri night partying in the Galapagos.     i remember when i was young and would go out partying all night long   :) 

i hate wasting an entire day ... hope i feel better tomorrow, we have a snorkel outing planned.

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