Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sun, 24 Feb

Info Gathering and a Reverse SunSet

up at 7am, what to do today?  ... i was going to head to Tortuga Bay first thing this morning, but stared working on my blog, and before i knew it, it was 10am ...

so i decided to devote the day to serious fact gathering about cruises ... unfortunately, not much is open on Sunday ... especially in the morning .....  so now i'm hungry and needed to find a WiFi place.    there is a nice restaurant El Giordino ... but when i got there, i realized i only had $10 ... so i ordered a ham, mushroom, hollendaize sauce crepe, $6.50 and used their WiFi ... it was good, but heavy and very 'un-island-like' .... but the view was 'islandy' ... i sat upstairs with a nice breeze and view of the bay ...

i strolled past the Fish place again and spent over an hour observing since they had just unloaded a lot of some kind of tuna, i'm assuming ...

i watched as they cleaned the fish,  .... and tried to keep the Sea Lions at bay ....

Frigit Birds  ...

and Pelicans were unwelcome guests as well ...

you know how i feel about kids, but this little kid was dressed so cute, all color coordinated, as he watched the action ...

later in the day i visited 3 travel agencies that i thought might be able to find me something ... i'm thinking on their offers, and will return on Monday .... 2 speak English and 1 does not ... :(

i have a new addiction   :) .... one that at least is better for my heart than the Flan ... they make popsicles out of fresh fruit juices they call Helados (actually i think that is the general term for ice cream)  .... they taste REALLY good when it's hot and you are thirsty ... it's seems to be the ONLY way to get something that is REALLY cold!  ... there is no such thing as 'ice' in a drink  ....  and it's a bargain at $.60  ....

the other bargain here is an ice cream cone, anywhere, for $1 ....   :)   ... but then you are usually thirsty afterwards ....  :(

it was sunset time and i found myself at the pier where i landed ... it was much less intimidating than when i arrived here 2 days ago.... funny how easily we adapt ...

i also noticed that the Blue Footed Boobies were flying overhead and then diving into the water for their evening meal ....   i tried to get some video of the activities; but i wasn't very successful ... again, i had the video 'off' when i thought it was 'on' ....  :(

since we're on the south side of the island, with hills to the West of us ... there aren't any sunsets here ....  only reverse ones ... and since it was the night before a full moon .... it was quite pretty ...  this is looking East ...

and West .. over the buildings ...

i went to a rather nice restaurant for dinner that had WiFi, and ordered Ceviche .... 10min after i got there, the WiFi disappeared ... just as it did at my Hostel .... they don't even show up on the 'list' of networks ..... it's really strange, 'poof' and they are gone ... and, frustrating !!     ... grrrrr .... i could go to an internet cafe for less money if i'm not going to get WiFi with my meal   :(

back to my oven-room for the night    ... or maybe i had an ice cream cone first ...   :)

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