Friday, February 22, 2013

Mon, 18 Feb - Part 2

Sea Lions and  .... Golden CowRays !

the sun was starting to set as i watching the Sea Lions ...

fascinating creatures .... the little ones in the water are so playful ... they were jumping out of the water, doing flips, ....

chasing each other, ... i even saw one playing with a stick like a dog ....

there are always several little babies, waddling around 'baaaa-ing' like a sheep, ... going from one Sea Lion to another looking for it's Mom ...

....and the other Sea Lions aren't very nice ... in fact they are darn right mean, growing and trying to bite the little one ....   :(

but when they find their mom, they are relentless, ... and grab on wherever they are ....

... i was able to look into their mouths when they yawn ... and they have TEETH just like dogs ....  i wondered if it was all for show, or if they are really that defensive of their 'space' ....  and then i got my answer when i saw this little guy .... OUCH !

the Bull Males are constantly 'barking' .... defending their harem ... and then you'll see them rolling around in the surf like pups themselves ...

complex creatures ....
i started taking videos .... and i was there for almost an hour being entertained and confused ... coming soon to a You Tube near you   :)

i continued to stroll along the Malecon ... i think i posted a photo of this on my first day ... here it is lit up ... it's much nicer at night ...


i walked out of the 'town center' to the North ... looking back ...

it was a pretty night .... you don't see many palm/coconut trees here, (certainly they are not endemic) this looks kinda strange, but it makes for a pretty picture ....

i walked out on this dock with this statue that i'd never even noticed before ....

there is a big yellow crane at the end, so i guess it's more of an industrial dock.    i turned around to walk back and saw a fisherman's catch down a short ramp .... i went down to investigate ...   a couple large dead fishes ....

as i turned to walk back up the ramp .... this caught my eye ....

it was a 'school' ...... 'herd' of Golden CowRays (i've also seen them called CowNose) ....

they are like a Stingray, only smaller, and have a different shaped head.     i recognized them from my book immediately ....

their wingspan is about 1.5 - 2.5 feet ... with a max of 3' ....  most were smaller, but a few large ones flew by occasionally ....

they were traveling around the dock, so i followed them ....

they look like autumn leaves in the water ....

there were easily 250 of them ...they weren't just on top of the water, but there were layers of them under eachother, and they kept surfacing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....

 OMG !!!!!!      ....yet ANOTHER really cool part of Galapagos that i got to see ...

unfortunately, it was totally dark by then, so taking any good photos was unlikely ... but that didn't stop me from taking over 100 photos   ....

i stayed around for an hour, ... i didn't want to leave ....  what a magical place i am in !!!!!!!!!!!

i later posted a video on YouTube ... you can watch it here .... or click bottom right corner and go to YouTube ...

came back to my room and worked on my photos and blog .... in my OWN room  :) WiFi was lightening fast   :)

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