Monday, February 4, 2013

Wed, 30 Jan

Machete Against Black Raspberries and Pizza

we're having Pizza for lunch today; so up early again to make the crust ... it went must faster this week since we kind of knew what we were doing.
Geovanny and Carlos started the fire in the oven ...

we have a list of our activities on a white board in the house.    but it's generic, so we never really know what we're going to do until our 8am briefing ...  today said 'Community Work' for the morning; and Hippo-Therapy in the afternoon.     but the machetes were being sharpened again  .....     i actually like machete work ... there is a technique to it ... it's kind of like golf ... it's important that you 'follow-through' with your swing.    but it is hard work; and you're usually bent over most of the time ....

Lonesome George arrived on horseback.   we see him and another guy almost every morning going past the Hacienda and going up the hill or through the fields .... i've often wondered where they were going and what they were doing ..... well today i find out ....

Note:   before i arrived, i received a 'What You Need to Know' document.  
Myth #2:   "when you are working at a location away from the Hacienda, you will be riding horses"
... i guess they didn't have 23 horses ... so we walked 30min uphill in our rubber boots to 'whack' black raspberry bushes with our machetes.    rubber work boots were not made for hiking !!!!!!!    

in case you are wondering what Myth #1 is:
"Evenings are quiet and usually spent lounging in hammocks, chatting, listening to music, writing in your journal or reading."    ... :)

i LOVE black raspberries, but they are an invasive species here; so they need to go ...

i've NEVER seen such HUGE bushes/trees, with a 1.5" diameter cane !    ...that cane is twice my size  ...

on our way back down (much easier)  ... we got a quick view of the Western Coast ....

then we came home and fixed our pizzas  .... just as delicious the second time ...

after lunch .... ANOTHER girl arrived !     ....this is beyond ridiculous ....  she is also from England, but older,  ....30 ...   'our' numbers are growing   :)

in the afternoon my group was not scheduled to work with the Hippo-Therapy children; so we went back to the other garden where we cleared the land and planted some seeds in the new beds ...

the Hippo-Therapy children did not arrive ... again   :(   

it was my groups turn to prepare dinner tonight, so we cooked pasta and cut up veggies ... we didn't know how much pasta to make for 22 people ... so we made waaaaay too much ...  but everyone was happy that they could have seconds, one left hungry.
And, ... everyone loved the CheeseCake ... no seconds though   :(

1 comment:

  1. Everything is so beautiful and sounds so fun and exciting except that SPIDER! Jesus Christ if I saw that I'd never be able to sleep there again. That was a mean crack about the snow too, it's freezing!!! :)
