Sunday, February 24, 2013

Reality Check, and Decision - Wed, 20 Feb

Reality Check, and Decision

i needed to be packed and out of my room by 8am, coz a guy was coming to install AC.    i wasn't scheduled to be at my new place until 10:30, so i sat at the table and used the WiFi.     about 9:30 Fernando came in and said the 'family' didn't show and said i could stay here if i wanted ... AND ... i could move into 'my' balcony room  :)     ............ YES !

i went down the street to the other hotel, and told them 'no necessito habitacion'; then moved in to my balcony room  :)   ...

and this is my balcony .... and my view .... that's the sea out there ...

i walked up the hill away from town looking for some lunch .... i saw this cute little place ....

it was difficult, but i finally understood that 'lunch' was a set menu .... sopa (soup) and/or grilled fish.     i ordered the grilled fish, it came with great lentils and rice, and i got a lemonade .....  $3 ... can't beat that ... it pays to get off the Malecon where it's so expensive !      ....good lesson for my next island visits.

i have a confession to make ... since i've been here, i've been frequenting this one bakery ..... and getting the best Flan .... the nice woman in there and i are good friends ... she knows what i want when i walk in the door   :) is SO GOOD ...   good thing i'm leaving, because without all that work and exercise at the Ranch, that Flan would start showing   :(   ....

i stopped at another Travel Agency that advertised 4 islands in 4 days ... sounded horrible, but i asked about other options ... he gave me a calendar and asked me what days i was interested in ..... OMG .... when i saw the calendar i realized it was the end of Feb already ... i need to get outta here .... my time is almost over   .... well not quite ... but i have a lot to do, and now there's only a month left   .... i panicked !

decision made:   i'm leaving here Fri am for Santa Cruz !

but today i'm going back to La Tijeretas AGAIN ... to try out my luck for a nice calm bay for snorkeling ...   i splurged for a $1 taxi to take me to the trail... i know which one it is now.      however, the 'wrong' trail that i took yesterday was a better option ... this one had a pretty steep uphill climb for awhile ...

but, i was there in no time ... it IS my THIRD journey .... this is Frigit Bird Hill that we were on top of on Sunday ....

so i get to the bay .... and there were THREE problems as i saw it:

there were actually WAVES .... IN the bay ....

the entry ladder was being bashed by waves ...

there was a momma Sea Lion nursing her pup, on the walk way ....

i was not going to snorkel here today, i'll never know what it's like to snorkel Las Tijeretas on a calm day  ....   :( i headed back down the hill to the beach at Playa Carola to do some snorkeling ....   

as i walked to the water, i saw a Marine Iguana headed towards the water as well.     one of the things i'd like to see is a Marine Iguana IN the water!!     .... so i watched where he was going ..... he stopped at the water's edge and started eating algae off the rocks.    the waves were pretty big here too, but i could get in the water; and i crawled my way towards him.    the water was only about a foot deep and rocks everywhere, and waves bashing me ... but i crawled part way up a big rock and got some video.    i thought, .... unfortunately, sometimes you think that the video is off, but it is on; ....then you turn it on, but you've really just turned it off .... so, all that means ... i didn't get any video   :(      ...what i did get was a moss-stained once-white dive skin; ...  .... certainly there will be other opportunities

i saw lotsa turtles   :)    .... my favorite pretty HawksBill was there again ...

AND ..........   i saw a NEW fish ..... this is a Galapagos Puffer Fish, 6-12"  ...
and took about 40 photos of it ... 

funny looking mouth, huh?  ...

but doesn't he have great eyes ? ....

AND ... another new find .....  a Tiger Snake Eel .... 8-15"  ...   and the book says "occasional" for 'distribution and abundance'  .... so there !  ....

i packed up and happily headed down the trail ... i stopped to brush the sand off my feet and put my shoes on .... and about a foot from my face, this little Lava Lizard was just sitting there watching me ....  he was about 8" long ...

...for the longest time !!!!!   ...

you can see where he must have lost his tail at some point, and it has grown back ....

 i saw another very friendly yellow cat at one of the stores on the way home ... he had 'blue' eyes ... unusual for a yellow cat!  ..... and i noticed there was a Siamese cat inside as well ....  hummmmm

he was happy to get some attention ....

i passed these Sea Lions on the way ... still in charge ....

and this one possed for me ... looks like a Sea Lion center-fold   :)

took care of my 'snorkeling' chores and gathered up my dirty clothes and towels and took them to the laundry .... i'll have nice clean clothes to start my next adventure ....

worked on the internet .... in my own room  :)   ...then had to go see if the Golden CowRays were there again .....

tonight i tested out some video .... it will take some 'editing' ... but i should have something for You Tube at some point ...

ok, so now you have 'seen' the Golden CowRays   :)

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