Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sun, 3 Feb - Part 2

Part 2 - Second Snorkel
Lo Loberia

after about 45min i was back in the water  .... again, just a few feet off shore, in about 2' of water .... a Stingray .... there lots of kids walking and playing around, and there it was ....

it was no different this time .... the turtles were everywhere you looked ...

hiding under a rock ?   ... trying not to get sunburned ?   ...

have you noticed i haven't posted any pictures of coral reefs? ...i have not seen any yet!   ... there are some soft corals; but mostly it's volcanic rock covered with algae/moss ....  maybe the water is too cold ????   ...i need to ask about this ... but this is the most color i've seen ...

i spent a lot of time trying to photograph this Giant DamselFish ... he wasn't being elusive .... about 10" and quite 'thick' ...

but we were in an area with heavy wave action, so it was difficult to get the photo .... in fact, he was quite inquisitive ...coming up and looking at me ...

this is a Juvenile of the same Giant DamselFish ... with electric blue spots ... quite a bit smaller than the adult ....  probably 3" ...   so striking !  ...

more turtles .... they just were not in a hurry, ... rather riding the waves under the water ...

another Stingray that was feeding, and had a lot of little fishes around it waiting to get a bite of food that may escape ...

Banded ButterFly Fishes .... almost always in pairs

2 more StingRays ...

i was ready to go in again, but wanted to see if i could find some Sea Lions ... so i was in water about 3' deep and came across this group of MASSIVE male turtles ....   they were all just laying on the bottom in the sand .....

i swam around and around them, and they never moved ....

i have some video i'll try to get posted ...   they were a good 2' thick, and 5-6' long, and all of them had HUGE tails ....

it kind of reminded me of a 'Men's Club'

before i came in, i hung out in the warm shallows and saw lotsa little fishes ... a White-Tail DamselFish, very colorful ...

and this Rainbow Wrasse ....... you can tell how small he is ... that's my gloved-thumb in the photo ...

i'll leave you with this parting shot ... my new FaceBook Profile Pic ...

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