Monday, February 4, 2013

Tues, 29 Jan

Machete Work, Spiders, and Come Dine With Me

we heard the machetes being sharpened again this morning .... hummmm, wonder what we'll do today ....
at our 8am morning briefing, i requested that we start our 'quiet time' at 9pm, instead of 10pm  :)     i said, i know this won't be popular with some of the group; but that having 12 people sitting at the same table, with 4 separate conversations going on at the same time, each talking louder so they can hear each other; becomes very loud.   it's difficult to read or think, even with earplugs;  ....  that it would be nice to have some quiet time before going to bed   ....   there was silence  .....   finally one girl spoke up and asked if 9:30 would be ok, since we have to take turns, before everyone can get in the kitchen and get dinner prepared.    i said that would work for me, and thanked them.     i am hoping that someone doesn't put a spider in my bed before the visit it over   :(

speaking of spiders .... since i don't have many photos to show today, i'll post this one ... we have lots of spiders, like this guy ... in our bathrooms, showers, bedrooms, kitchen, dining room ... i guess that about covers it.       makes for an exciting evening when one is spotted, ... screaming, yelling, climbing on chairs, etc .... i've photographed this one with the light socket, so you can get an idea of it's size ... they are large ... supposedly not poisonous .... but i still don't want one in my bed ... this is NOT 'PhotoShopped' :)

we 'whacked' more Guava trees and bushes on this property this morning,, sweaty, tiring work.   this is what the Guava blossoms look like ... beautiful airy flowers ... too bad they are SO invasive  :(

only 2 machete casualties:   one girl hit another one in the head, and another one hit herself in the leg.   those machetes are incredibly sharp ... luckily neither wound was too bad ... i don't know how they escaped serious injury ...

Kate and i had 'house cleaning duty' this afternoon ... it doesn't sound like much fun; but the rest of the group carried logs up a steep hill.   i think the logs are going to be used for fencing ...  we were lucky to have cleaning duty.    after we finished washing the towels; we moved to the garden and watered plants.   Geovanny told us we were going to help Pepe catch the 2 roosters and 1 hen .... that have been raiding our garden and eating every tomato that just starts to ripen.   but ... that never happened; least not today ...

the 'group' organized a 'Come Dine With Me' week.   i guess this is a popular TV program in England.    there are 4 groups, and each does dinner one night for the rest of the group of 20.    everyone pays $2 for dinner.     so it's good on 2 fronts:   your group gets the kitchen all to yourself the night you prepare dinner; and for the other nights, you get dinner and no clean-up duty for 2 bucks!      Kate and i joined with another group for dinner on Wed.     so after work we headed into town to buy ingredients for our meal tomorrow.    we decided to do pasta w/veggies and some spicy meat.    ...sounds simple enough.    what a fiasco, ....going from market to market trying to find what we needed.    i found a lot of new markets/stores that i can go to.

when we returned, the table was set, and our dinner was being prepared.   we had a wonderful Moroccan Tagine Chicken and rice dinner, with Banoffee Pie, a popular dessert in the UK.   it has a cookie toffee crust with bananas and cream on top.   the entire meal was very impressive.   these girls really know how to cook, and have been traveling long enough to know how to make things they can find ingredients for.    i'm glad i'm with a group, i would be lost by myself; and they set the 'bar' pretty high tonight ! ...

a photo of our group ... don't look for me, i took the photo  :)

after they cleaned up the kitchen, we made our Cheese Cake for tomorrow's dinner.

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