Monday, February 11, 2013

Sat, 9 Feb

Rain, Rain, and More Rain

i slept all night and woke up feeling pretty good.    had some toast and an egg for breakfast.
it started raining last night ... a little ... we had plans for a beach day, and packed our bags optimistically and took a taxi into town around noon ...  it started to rain in town.    the 'good-fast' internet is closed AGAIN today .... we all went to Mockingbird WiFi; most everyone had something to eat, they have a pool table there, and some soccer game is on a big screen TV .... and i struggled to upload photos.  

it's 6pm now,  ... it started pouring around 1pm .... ... that is the sea out there, ..somewhere ...

and has not let up one bit ...  strange rain here ...  no wind, no thunder, no lightening, no storm ... just solid downpours for hours ... and on our day off !!!!!!!!

sooooooooo, i've spent the entire afternoon at Mockingbird ... thank God they let us stay here; ...there really is no where else to go!    blog is up to date, have worked on videos, but too slow here to upload. 

finally it was decided we would go get something to eat for the Group's Last Supper.     we walked through the rain to Calypso, we'd eaten there before.     i would have preferred to try someplace different; but instead, i tried a different item off the menu  :)     Carbonara--sort of, and pretty good, ...plenty of food for 2 days!

there were hundreds of Sea Lions on the beach tonight ... i could have watched them for hours.    i was amazed that some of the Sea Lions that were nursing, were as large as their mothers.    i just looked it up; babies nurse for at least a year and stay with momma for 3-5yrs.  they just make the strangest noises, and are pretty much all huddled in groups.    fascinating!

we walked through the continuing-rain to try to get a taxi.    those taxis do not like to drive all the way up in the Highlands; and they don't like to do it at night, and they REALLY don't like to do it in the rain.   they all want extra fare, 'llvia' ... that means rain ... and for some reason, warrants an extra charge.    he wanted $8 for a $5 fare ... we finally agreed as we piled 9 people in our taxi ... although 3 of them had to sit in the back in the rain  :(

when we got back, everybody and everything was wet; and the group started packing.    those of us who are staying went to bed praying for a nice day tomorrow.

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