Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snorkeling & Friends - Tues, 19 Feb

Snorkeling and Friends

i got up an was watching the Sea Lions by 7am .... still entertaining !

there was a cat on the Malecon, and he was really friendly; so i got a little bit of my 'kitty fix' ...  

he was very healthy looking and well cared for ... happy for that! .... and this was HIS tree ....

i saw a cute little cafe on the second floor of a building on my street serving breakfast and fruit drinks .....

i went upstairs and saw the guy that lives in the other room that helped me with the WiFi .... i visited with him for awhile as he ate his breakfast and i had a fruit drink.    there's all kinds of places here i can explore.

went back and talked with Fernando.   he said a 'family' was moving into the room i am in on Wed .... ok, that makes my decision for me ... i have to find somewhere else to stay   :(    i like it here, but i know i wouldn't on Wed.    he game me a couple of suggestions.   i checked them out:  i am paying $15 here ...... across the street-$25; down the street-$40; and Hostel Northia-$20 .... Northia wins ... it also has internet, and that's worth about $4 a day at the rate i use it; and it's the best i'm going to get.    nice airy room with a balcony, so i signed up.   it actually wasn't that easy, they didn't speak any English.   so, at least i have a place to stay and won't have to sleep on the beach with the Sea Lions  :)

i came back and worked awhile on my blog; WiFi was working great  :)    around 11am i decided to go back to Las Tijeretas, the cove where we were on Sunday.     i really should pay better attention to where i'm going when i follow someone.   i thought i knew the trail ... but obviously i was wrong.     5min in and i decided this didn't look familiar, ....

but decided to continue on to see where i ended up.    i thought i saw another trail on a map and i was hoping this was it.   ....and it was a short-cut that met up with the stone walkway   :)

there were pretty big waves crashing into the entry ladder ...

but i waited for it to calm down and got in without any problems.    i snorkeled out to the entrance again and didn't see much of anything.    i started to go way over to the other side to check out the rocks around the edge ... on the way i saw a turtle, but he didn't stick around ...ok ... so when you only see ONE turtle, you get excited !!!! ....

and a StingRay in the sand .... actually you get excited when you see anything !  ...

the waves were pretty rough even in the cove ...

i wish i would have been really calm like it was on Sunday.   i cruised the entire perimeter and didn't see anything exciting until i got almost back to the ladder.   i saw an uncooperative YellowBellied TriggerFish .... this was the best i could do ... at least you can see it's YellowBelly   :(  ....

i would like to spend more time with a Sea Lion under the water.   a couple that was here when i got here said there was one in the water ... but i didn't see any ... 

i finally decided to call it a day, getting out of the water was more of an issue than getting in ... those fins aren't very good for climbing.    a big wave hit me and almost knocked me back in the water; but i'm strong  :)

so i've got all my stuff in my bag and i hear a Sea Lion in the water ... holding itself out of the water, looking at me, barking as if to say ... 'come in the water with me'   ... he did this 3 times .... then, he climbed up the ladder (much more easily than i did, by the way, and he has fins too!) ... walked part way up the walkway and barked at me again, as if to say, 'come play with me'.   i did not go back in, i needed to get home and make guacamole for my guests.   ... but i want to come back again when it's calmer and not so many waves ... maybe he'll be there then.

it takes a long time to 'un-do' after snorkeling ... camera needs to be soaked in a bucket for 30min; clothes need to be rinsed with fresh water, shower, find places to hang things to dry .... whew!    ....  made the guac, and finally i was ready for my guests.

we had a nice visit, then went to Rosita's for dinner.    i've only heard good reviews about this place, .... and that their STEAK was wonderful ! .... i wouldn't normally order steak, but it received such raves that i ordered Pepper Steak Filet.    the first time i've had red meat in 5 weeks i think.   it was a little 'chewy', but the flavor was very good.

Geovanny showed up there with another group, so i got a photo of the 2 of us....

and then one with the group ...

i showed everyone some of my photos of the Golden CowRays from last night .... they all wanted to go back there tonight to see if they would be there ...
they did not disappoint ....

everyone was as excited as i was ....   this was quite a treat  ... again !!!!!!!!

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