Monday, February 11, 2013

Group Left - Sun, 10 Feb

Sitting Around Doing Nothing

thanks to all who were concerned with my illness, thank goodness it was only a 24hr thing ... i'm fine now   :)

woke to no rain ... also woke to the news that 5 people were vomiting all night long.    how horrible to have to travel like that!   ...we couldn't figure out what they ate; but assume it was food.    i'd much rather have what i had than ..... THAT!

also woke to the fact that we had no water again, in 3 of the 3 bathrooms... this has been an on-going problem .... but usually during the week when someone is here to fix it.    no one is here today  :(  ...

the Group left at 7:30am, everyone hugged, and wished for fun and safe travels.   i'll miss them ... like a heart-attack .. no, just kidding.    they were lots of fun to have around (except at night)   :)

so that leaves 9 of us; .... and we headed to the kitchen to throw out, combine, and reap the 'spoils' left behind.     ... this is what it looked like ...

we have a LOT of 'community' food for a few days.    we finished at about 10am ... and would have done the dishes and cleaned up ... but there was no water in the kitchen either.   ... but it doesn't make much difference, because we have no dry towels .... they are all on the wash line ... wetter than when they were hung there.  

so we were just contemplating getting a taxi to go to the beach even though it wasn't sunny ..... because none of us wanted to just sit up here all day and do nothing.    ...and then it started raining again, ... and i mean another downpour, sheets of rain.   the roof is metal and so loud we couldn't hear each other.   we were sitting in the house and noticed a small 'river' flowing from the kitchen into the living area.    i got up and got the mop and bucket ....   :)

it continued to rain off and on all day ... a couple of us thought about going into town anyway; ...but then it would start raining again; and it's Sunday, and nothing is open; and if there are only 2 people, it's more expensive .... so we sat.     pretty pathetic ...

my plan was to stay here a month,, ...see everything i could on San Cristobal, ...and research my 'plan' for the rest of the trip.     i didn't calculate in the fact that i was going to be working 5days a week, which only really gives me 8 days to see 'everything'.    ...nor did i consider the fact that it would rain 3 of those days!    ...nor did i realize that i would not have accessible internet service to do my 'research'.    so, i'm not ready to go.   i can stay here a few extra days ... but will be in the same situation i've been in ... working and limited internet.    i'm thinking i need to go into town and get myself a place to stay there that has WiFi, and hope for sunshine.

....but maybe i'll stay ... it depends on the weather ... :)

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