Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mon, 11 Feb

Thought it Not Possible to Rain Another Day

my breakfast .... still can't get over these orange-colored bananas ....

it wasn't raining in the morning ... of course not .... it's Monday and back to work.   Geovanny arrived to inform us that today and Tues are holidays and we wouldn't be working,'s Mardi Gras/Carnival/FatTues.   (seems like we would have known this on Fri...) ... anyway, we love days off!  
he did want us to clean out the kitchen/frig/cupboards, to organize what the group left behind ... which we had already done.    so we just had to do a 'deep cleaning' of the house.   then we were free to enjoy and explore.   HOWEVER, it was starting to look like rain, and oh by the way, it will be difficult to get a taxi into town because of the Festivities there ....  and if we do get into town, better try to get a taxi home before 6pm because taxis will be scarce after that time.     .... huh ?????     ...but we like a challenge   :)

we finished our chores, and decided to try to get a taxi even though the weather wasn't looking very good by then.    so we eventually got our taxi, .....beach gear in tow .... while waiting for some people to get snorkel gear, i was talking with Sandra and she asked to see my camera .....   i tend to overpack for day trips ... i want to be prepared.   i packed a sandwich, apple, rain jacket, computer, cords, towels, sunscreen, hat, snorkel gear, underwater camera case, extra batteries, wet towel, ...everything i could possibly need ... except my camera  :(       ...most of the group shows up with a towel and a water bottle ... and probably a camera  :)

i got an ice cream cone ... to improve my mood   :)  

got another taxi out to Lo Loberia.    i was happy to visit this beach again since we saw so many accommodating turtles here last time.    the weather wasn't great;  cloudy, and it looked threatening; but it wasn't raining.    i got in the water straight away; and got out 2hrs later, just in time to catch the taxi back into town. .... i was snorkeling with Sandra, from Austria ....
she let me 'borrow' a few of her photos from today .... she was entertained by some sea lions ...

and this little sweetie ...all tired out from his swimming lessons ...

there were a few turtles, but not like the last time.    they probably don't like the rainy weather either .... Sandra let me take a couple of photos with her camera ...

and i saw a couple new fish--i like that part   :)

part of the group arrived after we did and were staying at the beach.   i could have stayed with them, but i decided to just go the internet ... and it looked like rain.    we no more than got into town and it started a downpour AGAIN!      SO HAPPY i wasn't on the beach ... they returned soaked  :(      we got some wonderful hot chocolate at Mockingbird, ... i never would have guessed that i'd be ordering hot chocolate on the Equator!    ...and shared another order of Ceviche ... so good here!    ...and spent another 3hrs at Mockingbird on WiFi waiting for the rain to stop.

it let up around 5:30 in time for us to grab a taxi home ... town was really starting to 'fire-up' .... and i was glad to get out of there.    2 of the girls stayed behind to party.

we saw some 'red sky' on the way home ... yeahhhhh!   .... and we hoped the saying is right, so we can get a good beach day in tomorrow.

tried to get dry and warm, it was chilly.   fixed some leftovers, and one of the girls made popcorn ...  put an extra blanket on the bed and went to sleep.

INTERESTING FACT:   the first day here we passed the gas station ... the sign out front said .... $1.45 / gal.    i finally remembered to ask Geovanny if this was an old sign, ...or maybe it wasn't really a gallon .... he said that's been the price of their gas for 10 years   :)

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