Saturday, February 23, 2013

San Cristobal Stay - Mon, 18 Feb - Part 1

New Home and Tour of the Town

i told Geovanny where we had hiked yesterday ........ he said we should have walked further ... there IS a nice 'beach' way down there  :(

i said goodbye to everyone as they took off to work in the big garden.  But we agreed to meet at my new place on Tues for dinner,  Kate, Josh, and Laura leave the next day, leaving only Will and Louise ... i'll make guacamole and have some beers

packed my bags ... after 4 weeks, it was a job; i'd settled in here pretty good ... took one last look at my room ....

and got in the taxi about 11am to Luis House ... this is what it looks like from the outside ... cute huh?  .... you know how i love color   :)  ...

i planned on having that room on the yellow floor with the balcony ... but, i didn't get back with him in time, and he didn't know that i wanted it for sure, so he had an opportunity to rent it to someone else ....  i can't blame him.   but he did have a room for me.   i would be by myself for 2 nights, then someone else would move in .... that's what i understood from the Spanish-speaking girl that helped me; Fernando wasn't here when i checked in.  

so i have this big room, nice lighting, and lotsa beds; sorry i should have taken a photo before i moved in and trashed the place ....  :(  

i really like this place, there are only 3 rooms, has a little kitchenette ....

and nice sitting area ... 

..... and this picture on the wall ..... ???  ... can anyone help me with the significance of these two guys together ???????  ....  what am i not aware of ? ...

i walked around town a bit ... i don't feel like i've spent much time here because everytime i get to town, i'm in the internet !!!!!!       here's a picture of one of the back streets where the 'grocery stores' are, and i bought stuff for my guacamole ......

and one of the 'main' street .... as you can see, it's deserted, and all the stores are closed ...

i saw this in the water ....   what the ????????

it was a Sea Lion   .... he was just floating on his back the whole time i watched ... 20min, and was still floating when i left ... they are funny animals ...

i tried to get the WiFi to work earlier, with no luck.   so i went back to the Internet place and spent $4...  :(       ... i saw Josh and Kate there and confirmed tomorrow's dinner plans  :)
.....when i came back, a guy was in one of the other rooms, and i asked him about WiFi ... if i knew Spanish i would have been able to figure it out and save myself $4  ....  :(

there was LOTS of loud noise in the streets again ... i was hoping that since the elections were over, it would be quieter ... but ... today they were celebrating.    good Lord, they are loud ... and just a couple of blocks from my place!

i wanted to get away from the noise, so i walked back to the 'Malecon'  ... that's the name for the walking area on the sea side, all the shops are across the street ... nice concept ...  it's a nice big area ....

there's a lot of 'things' to look at in this area ...  they have nice mosaics on the sidewalk of animals ... this is one of a HammerHead Shark and a Frigit Bird ...

planters in the shape of a Tortoise ...

and of course the Galapagos Tortoise ....

and a sculpture of the Galapagos Islands .... San Cristobal is on the right ....

i really never expected to see cactus here ... but ....

i love cactus flowers ... i think it's the bright colors and the waxy petals ...

Part 2 of today is up next ...

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